Thursday, September 11, 2008

Whats the best software to design t shirts?

I'm currently a student at Texas A&M so i have access to Adobe Photoshop CS3 as well as Adobe Illustrator CS3.  These are my tools of the trade, and honestly you cant go wrong with them.  They are pretty pricey but don't forget if your a student... get the student discount.  If you can't even afford it well that's ok too.  Go to Adobe's website and download the 30 day trials.  

Another program i've heard nothing but good things about is CorelDraw.  I can't speak much on it since i've never used it, but its supposedly one of the best pieces of software for designing shirts.  Hopefully we can get some comments from people who do use it.  

Any program you choose, you want it to produce vector images.  In this case CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator.  If you don't know, vector images allow you to resize images or text to any size without losing resolution.  

1 Find a way a to a good program and learn it, there are thousands of tutorials online 

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